Rolling Grizzlies
A couple of weeks ago, as part of our neurological aspects class, we had the opportunity to go watch the Memphis Rolling Grizzlies practice. The Memphis Rolling Grizzlies are part of the National Wheelchair Basketball Association and are made up of players with various injuries that don't allow them to run or jump anymore. Injuries may range from hip replacements to amputations to spinal cord injuries. The Rolling Grizzlies play in division one of the NWBA, the highest division competing at the highest level. I am very grateful that I was able to go watch them, it was a great learning experience for myself and classmates. I have always enjoyed playing basketball and like to think that I am somewhat decent at it. My friends might say otherwise but that is a conversation for another day. Just being around basketball for a lot of my life it was interesting how similar and different it was. I thought it was interesting that they use a functional classification scale assigning players...