Media Project
In our Neurological Aspects class we just finished up our media project. We were each assigned a recyclable material to be used to create a device to be used in an intervention. We were then assigned a client and given their case and details about their diagnoses. For my project I was assigned aluminum foil. My client was recently diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. The progression of her diagnoses has recently caused her to have some problems. She has suffered some falls recently, seen a decrease in her upper extremity range of motion, sensation to touch in her hands have decreased and she reports a numb feeling in her hands at some points throughout the day. She is struggling to do the things she loves. Due to the progression of multiples sclerosis, Alice's doctor has written an order for home health services.
As I read the case, the wheels in my head started spinning with ideas. I eventually decided to make what I called the HookNet. It is a device made of aluminum foil in the shape of a pole that has a hook and a magnet attached to the end. Based on the symptoms and struggles Alice is having it is hopeful this device will be able to help her continue to do the things she does. In intervention we will teach her strategies using this device that will hopefully make doing the things she loves easier such as cooking, and getting dressed. We are also hopeful that it will combat her decreased ROM in her upper extremities so she is not reaching as much.
Overall I really enjoyed doing this assignment. It really is something I enjoy being able to try and be creative using that OT think. I think my main take away from the project was how we were able to as a class use recyclable materials to help our clients. It does not have to be an expensive item or high tech but rather something that is going to be useful no matter what it is made of. I think this is important because we don't know the financial situation of our clients and to be able to tell them we can make your life easier by making a device out of cheap recyclable materials may be very uplifting. Before this assignment, I don't think I really understood the magnitude of how much thinking goes into developing a client-centered intervention. My mind was spinning thinking of ways I could use the aluminum foil and I really had to dig deep into my client's diagnoses. It was important in terms of this project to really understand the client's case to be able to make a device that was going to be useful to them. Lastly for the future, I believe this assignment has gotten me use to thinking like an OT. I know I have a long way to go, but being able to put that OT think to test and use my knowledge from what I have learned so far felt really good.
Attached below is a picture of the sign (poster) and device.

As I read the case, the wheels in my head started spinning with ideas. I eventually decided to make what I called the HookNet. It is a device made of aluminum foil in the shape of a pole that has a hook and a magnet attached to the end. Based on the symptoms and struggles Alice is having it is hopeful this device will be able to help her continue to do the things she does. In intervention we will teach her strategies using this device that will hopefully make doing the things she loves easier such as cooking, and getting dressed. We are also hopeful that it will combat her decreased ROM in her upper extremities so she is not reaching as much.
Overall I really enjoyed doing this assignment. It really is something I enjoy being able to try and be creative using that OT think. I think my main take away from the project was how we were able to as a class use recyclable materials to help our clients. It does not have to be an expensive item or high tech but rather something that is going to be useful no matter what it is made of. I think this is important because we don't know the financial situation of our clients and to be able to tell them we can make your life easier by making a device out of cheap recyclable materials may be very uplifting. Before this assignment, I don't think I really understood the magnitude of how much thinking goes into developing a client-centered intervention. My mind was spinning thinking of ways I could use the aluminum foil and I really had to dig deep into my client's diagnoses. It was important in terms of this project to really understand the client's case to be able to make a device that was going to be useful to them. Lastly for the future, I believe this assignment has gotten me use to thinking like an OT. I know I have a long way to go, but being able to put that OT think to test and use my knowledge from what I have learned so far felt really good.
Attached below is a picture of the sign (poster) and device.
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